What We Do
Council on At-Risk Youth serves the highest-risk students in three school districts in Central Texas by empowering CARY students, to find their voice and become successful members of our community. We are targeting kids with a history of trauma, poverty, abuse, racial discrimination, and special needs. Suspensions from school are the #1 predictor of dropout, involvement in juvenile justice, and future issues in adulthood like unemployment, welfare reliance, and imprisonment.
Economically Disadvantaged
Incarcerated Family Member
Special Education
- Adolescents who have a history of trauma, poverty, abuse, racial discrimination, and special needs are over-represented in the justice system.
- School suspensions are the #1 predictor of dropout, juvenile justice involvement, and future issues in adulthood like unemployment, reliance on welfare, and imprisonment.
Schools We Serve
Austin ISD
- Akins High School
- Bedichek Middle School
- Crockett High School
- Dobie Middle School
- Kealing Middle School
- Lively Middle School
- Martin Middle School
- Navarro High School
- Northeast Early College High School
- Paredes Middle School
- Travis High School
- Webb Middle School
- Covington Middle School
- O’Henry Middle School
- Burnet Middle School
Del Valle ISD
- Dailey Middle School
- Del Valle High School
- Del Valle Middle School
- Ojeda Middle School
Manor ISD
- Decker Middle School
- Manor Middle School
- Manor Hight School
CARY’s Unique Value Proposition
- 24 years of proven outcomes with over 27,000 students
- CARY is the only provider targeting students with the highest likelihood of entering the school-to-prison pipeline
- Multiple external evaluations validating program efficacy
With CARY….
- Dropout rates decrease
- Break the cycle of poverty
- $750 per year per child for CARY services versus $120,000 in the criminal justice system
Increase in School Attendance
Of CARY Graduates are Diverted from Juvenile Justice
Reduction in Behavioral Referrals
Increase in Academic Improvements
The City of Austin, Travis County, Austin Independent School District, Governor’s Criminal Justice Division, and the U.S. Department of Justice are each funding sources for CARY, but the information presented herein does not officially represent the opinion or policy of these government agencies.